Why PDS For Your Managed IT Services?

25 Years Of Helping Businesses Across Numerous Industries

Simplifying Technology and Increasing Productivity

Creating Scalable Technology Solutions

Explore Our Services

Cybersecurity Monitoring & Management

Managed Detection & Response Services

Software & Hardware Solutions

Cloud Backup & Disaster Recovery

Advanced Email Protection & Encryption

Web Design & Digital Marketing

Managed IT Services Customized solutions to meet the demands and needs of your business.

  • Support plan pricing options that provide a predictable monthly spend for your budgeting needs
  • Monitored end-point protection (MDR) with industry leading tools that protect your business
  • Protection from malware, viruses and suspect software
  • PDS protects your users and your business by managing and monitoring administrator actions and/or requests
  • Our DNS protection tools stop user from accessing suspect websites
  • Multifactor Authentication (2FA) tools protect your data and help you meet regulatory and insurance requirements

    Managed Detection & Response (MDR) Services Extensive protection for viruses & malicious activity

    • The first line of protection is between your network and the internet
    • Our MDR is monitored 24×7 by a Secure Operations Center (SOC), and threats are addressed in real-time for quick remediation
    • Our MDR is the industry leader in provider security services for businesses around the world
    • Our MDR is constantly monitoring your systems and reporting suspicious activity and threats to our SOC
    • Our MDR provides Ransomware protection designed to help mitigate attacks and limit risks

      Microsoft 365 Solutions We make licensing, management and setup a breeze!

      • Looking for a better email solution? Microsoft 365 powers businesses just like yours all over the world. We make setup quick, easy and stress-free
      • Licensing and management of your Microsoft 365 service and solutions
      • We can provide solutions that will move your business documents to the cloud so your team can work remotely and collaboratively from anywhere
      • Our Cloud-to-Cloud backup solution will protect and provide historical recovery options for your Microsoft 365 environment and services
      • Volume licensing discounts may be available depending on your company size

        Server & Workstations Overwhelmed from all the options out there? We can help!

        • Hardware, software monitoring and health alerting detect problems earlier to help prevent downtime
        • We monitor network, security, and Windows event logs to identify problems before they become threats
        • Ongoing Preventive Maintenance keeps servers and workstations running at optimal levels to ensure performance & security
        • System security and patch management provided to ensure your systems are up to date and protected
        • Remote support allows you to get support faster and not wait for an on-site service call
        • Remote Access tools allow your employees secure remote access to their computers
        • We partner with HP for computer and server needs; we also support major providers such as Dell, Lenovo, and others
        • Is your accounting software not cutting it? We partner with Quickbooks and can get you set up quickly so you can enjoy better financial reporting!
        • Time to get rid of old computers, tablets, or phones? We can safely discard them for you and ensure your data is destroyed
        • Outdated hardware causing issues? No worries, our team is ready to help

          Cloud Backup & Disaster Recovery Cloud Backup & Disaster Recovery Your covered when it comes to Natural Disasters, Cyber Attacks or User Error

          • Our focus is to provide your business with Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) options to ensure your business can move forward regardless of the threat.
          • Our solutions provide secure and encrypted on-site and off-site storage services.
          • Our backup appliances provide the opportunity to quickly recover your servers and get your business operations back online during a system failure.
          • Cloud syncing provides the ability to recover your operations in the cloud and keep your business operations online during a catastrophe.
          • We provide workstation cloud backups that can be virtualized in the cloud during system failures.
          • Our backups are managed and monitored so you can rest easier knowing your backup needs are covered by PDS.
          • We provide customized backup options to fit your business needs.

            Cybersecurity Monitoring & Management Real-time monitoring shields your business from cyber threats

            • Hardware, software monitoring and health alerting detect problems earlier to help prevent downtime.
            • Custom event log monitoring helps prevent errors that are overlooked which lead to security threats.
            • We monitor network, security, and Windows event logs to identify problems before they become threats.
            • Backup status monitoring and alerts ensure your backups are successful and on schedule.
            • Ongoing Preventive Maintenance keeps servers running at optimal levels to ensure performance & security.
            • Instant remote support allows you to get support faster and not wait for an on-site service call.

              Advanced Email Protection & Encryption Protect your business & employees with industry-leading tools

              • We make updating the tech that runs your business easy and stress-free.
              • Outdated hardware causing issues? No worries, our team is ready to help.
              • Regular security reports to ensure your devices and security is up-to-date.
              • Time to get rid of old computers,tablets, or phones? We can safely discard them for you and ensure your data is not recovered.

                Our Security Tools & Services To Protect You Protect your business & employees with industry-leading tools

                • Advanced Email Protection & Encryption ensures your email is protected from threats around the clock
                • Advanced DNS Protection provides added comfort knowing that your business is being protected from web sites that have known threats
                • Advanced Multifactor Authentication (MFA) provides your business with an MFA tool that is customized to your needs and provides protection across your compatible applications and your workstation and servers.
                • Security Awareness provides a comprehensive method of ensuring your employees are properly trained and acknowledging company policies and procedures.
                • Our services will make you more compliant with regulatory and insurance providers compliance reviews and form completion.
                • Regularly scheduled system threat scans and reviews

                  Website Design & Digital Marketing Engaging, branded websites that tell your story

                  • Custom and branded websites tailored to your business offerings.
                  • Need to get found easier online? We have you covered.
                  • Website features customized for what your business needs and wants.
                  • Ready to beat your compeition and gain more business? Let’s get started!

                    Asset Management & Reporting Easily keep your hardware & software up-to-date

                    • We make updating the tech that runs your business easy and stress-free.
                    • Outdate hardware causing issues? No worries, our team is ready to help.
                    • Regular security reports to ensure your devices and security is up-to-date.
                    • Time to get rid of old computers,tablets, or phones? We can safely discard them for you and ensure your data is not recovered.